Compressed Air Dryers
Compressed air contains water vapor and as it travels through compressed air piping, it cools and condenses into liquid condensate. This condensate increase maintenance requirements and affects product quality. We offer a wide variety of compressed air dryers to suit all applications.
Dryers Line

Desiccant Air Dryers
Desiccant air dryers run the compressed air into a chamber of activated alumina. This chamber of activated alumina (desiccant) removes the condensation from the compressed air thus producing “dry” air. Over time the activated alumina (desiccant) becomes wet and changes the downstream dewpoint. At this point (or before) the desiccant must be replaced. Desiccant air dryers can either be used to dry the complete air system or as a point-of-use dryer.

Membrane Air/Gas Dryers
Membrane dryers are a cost-effective way to manufacture a continuous stream of dry air on-site. These robust dryers use selective permeation, a passive technology, to separate water vapor from the air stream. The resulting flow of dry air is ready for use in most industrial applications.

Refrigerated Air Dryers
Refrigerated air dryers remove moisture and contaminants from compressed air by chilling the air to a temperature that causes the moisture in the air to condense and form droplets. These can be separated from the air stream and discharged from the dryer. This type of dryer uses a refrigeration system, heat exchanger, separator, and drain to perform the drying operation and provide compressed air that is useful for a broad range of applications. These type of dryers are designed to go in applications where the temperature of the pipe are not designed to go below 35 F (2 C).

Regenerative Air Dryers
Regenerative desiccant dryers use a desiccant medium to remove moisture from the compressed air stream. Wet air passes directly through the desiccant medium, which then adsorbs the moisture. The desiccant medium has a finite capacity for adsorbing moisture before it must be dried out, or regenerated. To do this, the tower containing saturated desiccant medium is depressurized and the accumulated water is driven off using purge air, heat or a combination of both. Desiccant dryers are generally of a twin-tower construction, with each tower containing its own desiccant bed. This allows one bed to dry compressed air as the other undergoes regeneration. Regenerative dryers can achieve dew points of -40C to -70C and are a perfect solution when the air line goes outside during our cold Canadian winters.
West St Paul, MB, R4A 1C4
Phone: 204-237-4247
Toll Free: 877-323-7247
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