Regenerative Air Dryers

Regenerative Air Dryers Line

Available from 7 to 5400 scfm, these regenerative desiccant air dryers produce pressure dew points as low as -100°F. Kaeser’s heatless KAD, heated KED, and blower purge KBD dryers complete Kaeser’s comprehensive desiccant dryer line.


Wall Mounted

For small applications that need very dry air, Kaeser offers a wall mounted version of its heatless adsorptive desiccant dryer, the KADW. These dryers are based on a “counterflow” design. Towers dry air as it flows up, and purge air on the way down. Therefore the driest desiccant is always at the top of the bed. This results in air leaving the on-stream tower consistently at the specified dew point.
  • 7 to 50 scfm @ 100 psig
  • Convenient wall-mounting
  • Consistent dew points
  • Solid state timer
  • Completely assembled, piped, and wired for installation
  • 6-foot cord set

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Heatless Regenerated – up to 5400 scfm

Kaeser Adsorptive Desiccant dryers (KAD Series) employ a heatless regenerative design to produce pressure dew points as low as -100°F. Solid-state controls with adjustable cycle timers allow KAD Series dryers to be easily adapted to user requirements. The optional purge saver control dramatically increases efficiency at reduced flows, and includes active tower lights and a switching failure alarm. 

  • KAD E models are supplied with an inexpensive, simple, fixed-cycle timer for -40°F pressure dew point 
  • KAD models have eight settings available to reduce regeneration requirements by matching air flow to purge flow 
  • KAD PS models are equipped with automatic purge savings, matching purge consumption to demand 
  • Left and right tower pressure gauges, as well as purge pressure gauge 
  • Color change moisture indicator signals elevated dew point 
  • Standard and custom filter packages are available 
  • ASME pressure relief valve 

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Heated Purge – up to 3200 scfm

Solid state logic accurately controls inlet and purge valves which direct wet compressed air to the regenerated tower, and heated purge air to the tower in need of regeneration. The process of adsorption and desorption can be repeated several thousand times before the desiccant must be replaced.

  • Excellent energy savings by using only 7% purge air for regeneration
  • Reliable controls and instrumentation meet NEMA 4 standards
  • Colour change moisture indicator signals elevated dewpoint
  • ASME pressure relief valve

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Blower Purge – up to 4300 scfm

Kaeser externally heat-regenerative blower purge desiccant dryers produce dew points as low as -40°F. Twin desiccant beds of activated alumina alternate between drying and regenerating, with regeneration being accomplished with heated ambient air at just above atmospheric pressure. The heated ambient air readily drives adsorbed moisture off of the desiccant preparing it for another adsorption cycle. The moisture-laden regeneration air exhausts to atmosphere during the regeneration process. KBD dryers can regenerate with little (about 1%) or no process (purge) air loss.

  • Outstanding energy savings by heating atmospheric air for regeneration and using no purge air
  • Reliable controls and instrumentation  meet NEMA 4 standards
  • Colour change moisture indicator signals elevated dewpoint
  • ASME pressure relief valve

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3647 Blackburn Road SE Calgary
AB T2G 4A3
Phone: 403-252-1177
Toll Free: 800-665-9725


#1510A 31 Street North, Lethbridge
Alberta T1H 5J8
Phone: 403-308-6718 


1681A McDonald Street
Regina, Saskatchewan S4N 5R2
Phone: 306-580-9000 

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